Sindy Isabel Castro is a theatremaker and educator. She is co-founder of Jugando N Play, a multilingual theatre for young audiences. She graduated with her Master’s in Applied Theatre from CUNY’s Schools of Professional Studies in 2019 and was awarded a Distinguished Thesis Honorable Mention from AATE for her thesis “¡BE PREBEARED! TEATRO EN EDUCACIÓN – THEATRE IN EDUCATION” in 2020. She was a LabWorks artist at the New Victory Theater from 2022-2023 where she developed her play un lugar imaginario to meet a loved one. She is a Reimagine TYA Plays Finalist for her play I Am/Yo Soy: A Museum of Memorias. She currently serves on the board of the American Alliance for Theatre & Education.
Sindy is a Bilingual Theatre Teacher at an elementary school and a teaching artist with People’s Theatre Project. She has taught with Lincoln Center Theater, New York City Children's Theatre, and Arts Connection in NYC. She was a mentor through the Arthur Miller Foundation and the NY Arts in Education Roundtable. Sindy strives to use theatre as a tool for creating multilingual and multicultural spaces where young people are empowered to embrace their home languages and cultures.
Before moving to NYC, Sindy was a teaching artist/education administrator in Chicago for seven years and worked with Steppenwolf Theatre, Writers Theatre, Northlight Theatre, Adventure Stage Chicago, and Project AIM. She was an invited member of Young IDEA at the IDEA Congress in Paris in 2013, a member of the TAD (Teaching Artist Development) Studio Cohort at Columbia College in 2014, part of the Intermediate Teaching Artist Lab at Lincoln Center Education in 2016, and a U.S. Delegate at the International Teaching Artist Conference (ITAC) in 2018, 2020, 2022. She was a recipient of a DCASE Theatre and Dance Residency in Chicago for her project Stories from my Mother in 2016. http://storiesfrommymother.weebly.com/